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Single sign on

The Cognassist Platform offers the ability to use single sign on (SSO). Information below will assist with the configuration within our platform.

Supported providers

We currently support the following identity providers.

  • Azure AD
  • OpenIdConnect

Configuring single sign on

Azure AD

In order to connect our platform to your Azure AD follow the steps below and provide us with:

  • Your Application (client) ID.
  • A client secret.
  • Your Azure AD domain.

1. Register in Azure AD

To register our application in Azure AD please see Microsoft's [Quickstart: Register an application with the Microsoft identity platform(

During the registration process, please configure the following settings.

Option Setting
Supported account types Select the appropriate options for you. This will likely be Accounts in this organizational directory only
Redirect URI

During this process, Microsoft generates an Application (client) ID for your application, you can find this on the app's Overview screen. Make note of this value.

2. Create a client secret

To create a client secret, see Microsoft's Quickstart: Configure a client application to access web APIs - Add Credentials to your web application

Once generated make a note of the secret.


If you configure an expiring secret, make sure to record the expiration date; you will need to renew the key before that day and supply it to us to avoid a service interruption.

3. Send us the configuration

Please send us the following and we can the complete the setup of your SSO.

  1. Application (Client) ID.
  2. The secret (setup in step 2).
  3. Your Azure AD domain.


In order to connect our platform to your OpenIdConnect provider we require:

Item Description
Issuer URL The URL of the discovery document of the OpenID Connect provider you want to connect with
Client ID Your client ID.

You may need to configure your issuer with a callback. This will be